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Final Expense

Call Today To Learn More About Final Expense


The average funeral now costs between $7,000-$10,000, which can be a lot for families to take on at the time of a loss. But with Final Expense insurance through Hanger Insurance Group you can take care of these end-of-life expenses—giving your family one less thing to worry about while grieving.


Final expense life insurance costs

Final expense life insurance rates start at just $20 a month* with coverage amounts from $5,000-$35,000. Term and lifetime policies are also available, so you can choose if you want your policy to last from 10-30 years or your lifetime. Your premium and benefit amount will stay the same for the life of your policy.


Final expense life insurance coverage

Your beneficiaries can use the payout towards more than just funeral costs. Most people get final expense life insurance to cover:

  • Funeral and burial costs

  • Medical bills

  • Credit card debt

  • Other end-of-life expenses

  • You can add protection to cover terminal illness and take advance payment for treatment​


Who can get final expense life insurance

Final expense is available for ages 50-85 with any preexisting health conditions. You can start your policy in as little as 24 hours and there’s no medical exam required. 

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